Tuesday 26 October 2010

Keeping Busy While Baby Keeps us Waiting!!

So yesterday was my due date, but there's still no sign of ought happening...

Last week I spent my days tidying the house, scrubbing it from top to bottom and getting rid of all the big and little dust bunnies... (Needless to say the long weekend undid most of that hard work)

With Dylan off school this week, and with his cough and the frosty wet weather, we've been looking for ways to keep us busy.

We've put up a giant spider web:

Gone for a walk in the woods and made an autumnal wreath (we didn't do much foragng- hense the sparse decoration!!):

This was really easy to do...
Just get somebody with super-human strength (in this case, my Dad!) to bend a wire coat hanger into a circle, attach pine-cones, conker shells etc with garden wire and tie on a ribbon.... Quick and painless- will look for more foresty finds to spruce (ha ha) it up a bit if baby still hasn't arrived by the weekend...

We made spooky halloween biscuits this morn, and have just finished decorating (and unsticking our fingers, lips and chins) them! For the biscuits just rub together butter (150g) & flour (225g) in a bowl. Mix in caster sugar (125g) & a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Roll out the dough and cut. Bake for 15-20 mins @ gas mark 4/ 175'C:

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