Wednesday 11 May 2011

'Go Fly a Kite' ~ Celebratory 3D Origami Kite Cupcake Toppers

Last month I signed up for the 'OffBeat Holiday Toppers: June' swap and received a totally awesome package featuring gorgeous toppers to celebrate the Queen's birthday. My partner also sent 2 PB Twixes, which I'd heard whisperings of but now know actually exist and are divine, a PEZ dispenser, flamingo drink stirrers and a Queen of Hearts notecard. It was an absolutely amazing package and arrived just in time for my birthday!!!

With other swaps, my birthday, Mums birthday and my son's midterm out of the way I focussed on my end of the swap. There were so many random holidays in June it was hard to pick just one. In the end I opted for a fun day celebrated twice in June; 15th & 24th, Go Fly a Kite Day!

Step 1 was to draw out some cloud shapes and choose my 2 faves. I then cut 6 of each out of white card and glued on the sticks. I had to use coffee stirrers as cannot get lollipop sticks or craft picks for love or money here, and cocktail sticks are too flimsy. Forgive the quality of the photos, my camera is out of batteries and I can't afford new ones, I'm saving up for some rechargable ones so I'm not caught out again!!!

Next, the fun bit: making the origami kites! For the topper,s I made mini-kites using 1.5" x 1.5" squares of paper, folding them diagonally into triangles;

Open up and fold the same corners (the ones without the central line running through them!)into the middle, so that the two adjacent edges meet in the middle. Fold down the top corner to create the lines and shape of the kite;

Next tape a short length of embroidery thread/ ribbon inside the kite, and extending out, Refold up the kites, taping the folded in flaps together at the back. Make sure not to take these flaps to the front piece of the kite to ensure they remain 3D, i.e. not flat!!

 Glue the kites to the clouds on sticks and bang some cupcakes in the oven to display your beautiful creations!!! 

Take on a picnic to the park, and remember to pack your kite!!

'Let's Go Fly a Kite...'