Wednesday 9 March 2011

Still Stuffed, but Craving Chocolate

Right so today is the first day of the healthier new me ~ my Lenty Be Good~ which will hopefully last beyond Easter....

I'm off chocolate and bread and am only allowed one serving of carbs a day (& a hot chocky in the eve, this is for everyone's sanity not just mine, a total withdrawal might cause total chaos and eventual melt-down of our home...) I'm also vowing to walk for an hour with Baba every morn while the wee man is at school.... (weather permitting) Geesh, I have a lot of conditions on my new 'lifestyle!'

Clare stayed last night and bought me brekkie this morn~ Mmmmm yummy and I was extra naughty as had a second hot choc this eve... To be fair it was a turkish delight flavoured one so I literally only had two sips~ Bleuch, not reccommended!!!

She really enjoyed her egg-free pancakes, her first time ever getting pancakes on pancake day, and we wolfed into the regular eggy version:

I tried a few variations this year which proved a big hit!!
For chocky pancakes I blended hot choc powder and cocoa powder with hot water and mixed into the batter (I never really bother weighing/measuring when making pancake batter, but used about a Tbsp of each to make 8-10 pancakes)
I  also made nutty pancakes and substituted some of the flour for ground hazelnuts, these were fabboo!
Finally I mashed a banana and mixed into some batter, these were a bit lumpy but uber-lip-licking gooood!!

The wee man and me pulled out my moulds for Easter eggs nd found a whole load of fun moulds in the box.
This year be sure to keep any plastic packaging from your Easter eggs, it makes great chocky moulds. Last year the wee fella got a Mr Potato Head Egg from his Granny n GrandDad;

So we kept the tray the eyes etc came in and re-used it this year, Wee man can play mascarades with the pieces, we even gave his sister a full set of teeth at only 4 months old!!!!

Who knows what goodies the Easter bunny will bring this year,
Only 39 more days to go...

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