Tuesday 3 August 2010

Feeling Motivated....

Ok so himself still hasn't redesigned my blog for me (I'm no good at the technical stuff...) but feel it's time I posted something anyways.

Have been mad busy over the Summer, getting ready for baby number 2 while trying to entertain a four year old. The good news is he's practically all sorted now for big school!! Baby stuff is pretty much under control too... Just need to pick up the little essentials nearer the time (12 weeks to go!!) Then there's the small matter of decorating the spare room/ nursery. We are renting at the mo so cant go painting/ hanging new curtains etc...

Have successfully made bunting (in both our girls and boys names) to hang but need to make the room feel more welcomming for the new baby. Have decided to sew up a number os decorative bitsNbobs with the time I have left. My grand project (before this have only sewn a few patches...) will include:

  • Redoing the lining of the moses basket I had when I was a baba (25 years ago!!!) Found a great tutorial on SewCanDo- Love this blog!!
  • Making a diaper/nappy stacker- and get this I've even come up with my own pattern (I'll probably lose all confidence the moment I start and google one but for now I will use my own!!)
  • Making a pair of fabric shoes from one of the loads of tutorials available out there!!
  • Creating a tapestry/ playmat to hang over the boring curtains in the room at the mo- will hopefully work as a black-out blind too...
  • Some other sort of wall art, framed picture, quote etc... all ideas welcome!!

Wow I feel very motivated right now but dunno how long it will last. Have figured out my sewing machine though- wouldn't my home ec teacher be impressed (or shocked) if she could see me now!! I wasnt allowed near them in school as struggled with foot pedal control and managed to cut a hole in the middle of, and burn with an iron, the apron I was supposed to be making. Have reintroduced myself to the sewing machine but the iron remains my nemesis....

Fingers crossed, and a deep breath as I dive back into the World of Crafting after an absense of about 12 years!!!

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